Page 37 - 2018 August Voices
P. 37
Silicon Forest: Techs
Reveal Their Secrets
Eric Winger, DTM & Marieke Pepers, EC2
We are Silicon Forest Toastmasters, and timing, and etiquette. They find their passion
gratefully celebrate our 25th anniversary this and motivation in developing the skills of others,
summer. Over the years we have collected an while simultaneously learning important speech
impressive amount of ribbons, and we are proud and mentoring skills themselves.
of each achievement. We are acutely aware of What’s our club strategy? We embrace change.
our secrets to our long-time successful club. The introduction of Pathways wasn’t easy, and
And, because sharing knowledge is one of these it’s still in process. We realized the importance
secrets, we proudly reveal them all. of Early Adopters, a dedicated VP of Education
Our club has many long-time members: Dan, and accepted that it takes time. Some members
Vicky, Pat, Cate, Karen, Bushan and our inspiring are still using the hard-copy manuals while
president Eric. They each have the motivation others have transitioned to the online Pathways
to come weekly, bringing their knowledge and program.
enthusiasm to the table. It’s remarkable how We have managed to keep a healthy number
they convey a professional quality to the club, of members and attendees per meeting, but don’t
help new members improve and overcome just accept this as status quo. We are actively
their fears and lifting up regulars. They know working on a new Marketing strategy, figuring
from experience the importance of rhythm, out new ways of attracting guests. We explore