Page 32 - 2018 August Voices
P. 32
something more than just being a Tastmasters or hours away from other clubs, this is especially
club. It’s a sense of hope, a ladder to hold on to important. You may consider a special award
that can take all of us towards a better place. or recognition for those who want to help out,
Challenges that a normal club has are making it a win-win for all.
amplified. The simplest things, like using District members (yes, all of you)—come visit
props, PowerPoint, collecting dues, e-mail us or a prison club in your area. On vacation
communication, etc. that I’ve taken for granted travelling across the state? Swing by, you have
in the past are very complex or cannot be used. no idea how excited everyone is to see a fresh
However, challenges present opportunities. face and to hear a new voice. I totally understand
When we get creative and work through them, the apprehension some people may have in
it is very gratifying. regard to prisoners. It’s ok, I respect that. Just
For example, we are now holding our own recognize that one day a former inmate could
speech contests where we connect live via TV be your neighbor. It takes a village—become part
conferencing equipment between several Oregon of it since the current “rehabilitation” system is
prisons, including some that fall into Districts 9 lacking.
and 15 (Pendleton and Ontario area). My dream If you are a business owner, be open to hiring
is to have all District 7 prison clubs connect one a released inmate. Start with those who are
day to hold a speech contest. Better yet, can I Toastmasters, become their mentor. Many are
dare the District to explore opportunities to working on their business plans while in prison,
hold a speech contest that includes prison and you may be surprised what they have to offer.
non-prison clubs?
What inspires you?
Is there a way members around the District The thought of making a difference inspires
can help your club? me. I believe in the butterfly effect. One may
Yes. While it seems that the unique situations never know how it actually plays out but I sure
of prison clubs are somewhat recognized, there hope that I can have a meaningful impact
is room for improvement and new opportunities. somewhere, somehow, for someone. That is
District leadership—please rethink your worth it, no matter what we do in life.
communication plans for/with prison clubs to
ensure that we are included at all levels. Brief Is there anything you want to share?
new incoming directors every year on the unique I’m not just a Toastmaster with my own
challenges that prison clubs face. Continue to agenda anymore, I see and experience the need
help us with financial and logistical aspects that to change our current thinking of the prison
are amplified since we switched to Pathways. system. Toastmasters allows me to pay it forward
Promote opportunities for any district by helping those who want to help themselves.
member to help out with bi-annual required We are all caterpillars hoping to turn into a
training. For those of us that are more remote butterfly.
VOICES! | AUGUST 2018 33