Page 27 - 2018 August Voices
P. 27
Years later I began to understand. he was to me . . . because I never told him!
“James? James Wantz?” It was a female voice. I am thankful to Kris because she did what I
“Yes, hi! What can I do for you?” could not do. She told me what I inspired her to
“I’m Kris. Do you remember me? I saw you do. I never told the Professor how he inspired
at the conference when you did the melodrama me—I was too stuck on the fact that he didn’t
piece, at the district speech contest with that remember me.
wonderful cat speech, at TLI in January when Is there someone that was positive and
you talked about the President using pompoms. instrumental in your life? Is there someone that
I’m your biggest fan. You have inspired me so inspired you to try something you never would
much. I’m going to be an Area Director this year, have? Is there someone who is so passionate
and I have you to thank.” about something that they infected you with the
“Wow! Thank you, Kris.” same passion? Is there someone who inspired
We talked for 15 minutes. She was so pleased you that is going through a rough patch of their
to finally talk to me. I was stunned that I had a own right now?
fan. If you answered yes to any of those questions,
“I love how passionate you are when you then tell them!!
speak. I love listening. . . and I learn so much.” Thank those that inspire you. Let them know
After she walked away I wracked my brain for that their efforts to inspire others worked. Believe
any inkling of who she was. I was flabbergasted. me, you will make their day! And please don’t be
How could someone that was so inspired by me like me. Don’t let the possibility that they won’t
be a complete stranger? remember you keep you from telling them how
Then I remembered Professor Leddusire— important they are to you.
and I understood. I’d assumed that because he Also, if you think that you aren’t having a
was so instrumental in my life that he would positive impact on anyone despite all you do, just
remember me. remember that often those we impact for good
It was a good lesson to learn. No matter what will be entirely unknown to us. Be passionate
our passion is, we rarely know how sharing that for passion’s sake.
passion with others will change their lives. The And finally, a posthumous thank you to
Prof was a dynamic force—his passion became Professor Leddusire. You inspire me today.
my passion—but he didn’t know how important
No matter what our passion is, we rarely know
how sharing that passion with others will
change their lives.