Page 23 - 2018 August Voices
P. 23
Positively, The
Wheel Truth
Carley Meuchel, CC
Hi, my name is Carley Meuchel. Cerebral Palsy During my employment search, I called upon
has impacted my life from birth and leaves me a disability employment support agency, but
with using a power chair for mobility. When I was to no avail they couldn’t help either. Again, I
born, nobody knew what kind of opportunities persevered on my own until I secured my job as
or chllenges that would come my way. My daily a pre-school teacher through the connection of a
life and death was in the balance until I was friend. I’m happy to share that I’m now headed
about 5 years old. into my fourth year of teaching pre-school!
My parents faced constant difficulties. Over My own experience and my independence
the years, it was hard for me and my parents inspire me to help others be all that they can be.
to plan for my future not knowing what it I’ve learned to open myself up to success along
would hold. Despite the hardships there were with failure while building my confidence and
joyous times as well. I was able to attend regular achieving my heart’s desire.
education classes. I graduated from high school I’ve long been an advocate for speaking up
in 2006 and went on to college. College brought about various disability issues at community
its own unique challenges and I persevered to events. I’ve discovered within the past 2 years that
conquer my challenges and overcame those I’m intrigued with the possibility of becoming a
limitations. I graduated with a degree in Early professional speaker. I know I could build a life
Childhood Education. around this opportunity. This new direction
Now, the quest for employment had started. has required more from me than just passion
And this was a nightmare within itself. Trying and drive. This “newly discovered me” is about
to find employment with a disability doesn’t commitment and dedication.
mix well with reality. Truth be told, employee A friend who’s a professional speaker
limitations whether physical or otherwise, recommended Toastmasters to develop my craft,
challenge potential employers too. The facility to purpose my passion, and to direct my energies.
and physical limitations, as well as legal issues Toastmasters afforded me the opportunity to
conspire to restrict employment opportunities. develop my speaking ability and explore the