Page 38 - 2018 August Voices
P. 38
social media sources for Public Relations and In case our name and location on the
build relationships with nearby businesses as a Tektronix tech campus in Beaverton scare you
way to expand our membership. We emphasize off: yes, we do have a fair amount of tech geeks
speaking and leadership skills, as well as personal among us. Divers is probably the better word
development and having fun. to describe us, with people from all sorts of
Our club has worked hard to build a unique professions and backgrounds. Come visit us,
Culture. Our guests are impressed by the Wednesday at noon, building 38!
professional organization of each meeting, but Eric Winger joined Toastmasters in 2009. He
it’s the warmth, friendly faces, and laughter that earned his DTM in 2016. He is a frequent winner of
convince them to join our club. The moments speech contests.
before we start, there is a lot of inviting small Marieke Pepers joined Toastmasters in October
talk. The evaluations are honest, useful and 2017. She is currently serving her club as VP
encouraging, but also include (if appropriate) Membership.
humor. This playfulness is the core of our
cultural identity. That’s the reason why we come
as often as possible, actively investing in ourselves
and our fellow Toastmasters.
VOICES! | AUGUST 2018 39