Page 22 - 2018 July Voices
P. 22


                                                      When we share the world of

      far too much squelching in our               Toastmasters with others, we are

          Robert’s eyes have been                  also empowering them to develop
      opened wider as he finds his voice
      in the new world of Toastmasters.          higher levels of self-confidence and

      He is learning more about                                      self-esteem.
      the people around him and                                                                                               Are You a Club Supporter?
      wondering if they are really
      “with” him. Will they celebrate him in his new  example, I continue to make friends through

      adventure? We Toastmasters will.                       Toastmasters. Robert, thank you for taking the                                                   Donna Stark, DTM, IPDD
          One doesn’t need to write a book to convince  first step on your Toastmasters’ journey. I look
      others to go and or return to Toastmasters. By  forward to cultivating another great friendship.
      taking time to consciously reach out and take              It is all about the people!

      somebody by the hand, we will make a huge                  Terry Beard initially joined Arlington Club
      difference in their life. We need to make the time  Toastmasters in 2001. He co-founded Portland Rotary
      to prepare for serendipitous moments. As Louis  Toastmasters in 2015.
      Pasteur said, “Chance favors the prepared mind.”           Terry is the author of Squelched - Succeeding

          Today, I am eternally grateful that Dr. Richard  in Business and Life by Finding Your Voice,
      took me by the hand and led me to the door of  published in 2017 and available on
      Toastmasters. By following Dr. Richard’s great  Visit his book website at You
      example, I am reminded daily that all of us had  can reach him at

      a Toastmaster sponsor. We owe our sponsors to
      pay it forward by sharing with others that with
      which we were gifted.
          Each of us has a responsibility to reach out

      and help people find their voices through the
      ongoing process of developing public speaking
      skills. When we share the world of Toastmasters
      with others, we are also empowering them to

      develop higher levels of self-confidence and self-
      esteem. Which in turn cures the societal cancer
      of glossophobia.
          We find our voices, and in the process, develop

      connections to others in an awesome community
      and then we help others to find their voices. What
      goes around comes around.
          As I have learned from Dr. Richard, by his

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