Page 27 - 2018 July Voices
P. 27
Are We Having
Fun Yet?
James Wantz, DTM
July 1st is the second chance at New Year’s
resolutions! Toastmaster’s year began on July
1st, and it is a chance to start anew.
Boy! Do I need it! The end of last year was
not fun. Literally, not fun. Oh, I learned a lot, I
was challenged in ways that were uncomfortable,
I grew exponentially…but none of it was fun! Not
a single solitary iota of fun was had by yours
truly at the end of the year. OMG!
That needs to change. I joined Toastmasters cleaning it up is no fun.
in 2008 to challenge myself and make a With all that non-fun, I was ready to walk
breakthrough because where I was in life felt away from Toastmasters. In fact, I did step away
like a prison. Toastmasters was the escape plan. from 2 of my clubs—one only temporarily —and
It worked. I stay in Toastmasters because it’s fun. considered dropping the third as well. A friend
Oh, that’s not my stated reasons. No, I usually say of mine said, “This reminds me of what you did
something like, “I want to challenge myself and 2 years ago. You took a break from Toastmasters
grow” or “My leadership skills needed work—so I then too.” He’s right. I thought about what was
volunteered.” And I mean it . . . most of the time. happening then and discovered a theme. I was
Dr. Smedley said, “we learn in moments of not having fun then either!
enjoyment.” Is it possible to learn without the So, what made the last year unfun? Looking
enjoyment? Yep, it is! But what I learned is, “I’ll back, I can see a few themes. First, saying ‘yes’
never do that again.” The end of the Toastmasters to too many projects—that’s a good lesson to
year was all learning and very little enjoyment learn. Second, feeling obligated. Yep, that’s a
for me. Deadlines. Troubleshooting. Last minute buzzkill. Once my involvement in Toastmasters
rush for new members. Elections. Cat vomit—ok, went from “voluntary enjoyment” to “obligated
that one isn’t on Toastmasters—but with three stress” I stopped having fun. Seems obvious. I
cats in my life it is a fact of daily life. And yep, know that obligations are a big part of life. . .
VOICES! | JULY, 2018 27