Page 21 - 2018 July Voices
P. 21

Along with my fellow Toastmasters, I thought,  handed him a copy of my book Squelched.

       “wow, that’s cool.” We have been discovered               Squelched shares with its readers my path, my
       online! We gave Robert a huge applause for  joyride, and yes, scary as it was at times bathed
       joining us at the meeting, and for taking the first  in the sweat of my heebee jeebees to overcome
       step to find his voice.                               glossophobia (the fear of public speaking).

          The time came for Table Topics, which is               I wanted to make certain that Robert knew
       when we Toastmasters and guests go around  that we were a safe harbor Toastmaster Club, and
       the room, one person at a time, standing up  that we would enjoy supporting and encouraging
       and responding to a topic proposed by the Table  him on his new adventure.

       Topics Master. When it was Robert’s turn to               The following week, Robert returned to
        participate, he passed. No one skipped a beat or  Toastmasters. A few weeks after he began
        drew attention to his decision to take a “pass.” attending regularly (and participating in Table
            When the meeting was over, I wondered   Topics), I asked him out for lunch.

        “will our guest return?” I could relate to Robert,       At lunch, Robert volunteered, “I read your
        I had empathy for him. The first time I attended  book and it was a very good read.” After reading
        Toastmasters, 18 years ago, I too passed on  Squelched he told me about his own glossophobia.
        participating in Table Topics. I went back the  Robert realized that he will find his voice too as a

        second week only because my Toastmaster  member of our safe harbor Toastmaster Club. He
       sponsor insisted. Because someone cared enough  shared with me that Toastmasters had opened up
       to take me by the hand to the Toastmaster safe  a completely new world for him. I assured him
       harbor the following week, I returned. Many  during our conversation that I would be available

       don’t!                                                to assist him on his journey, and that my fellow
          After the meeting, I rode down the elevator  Toastmasters would be there, too.
       with Robert. Just moments before our elevator             Robert shared with me in depth much of
       ride arrived at the reception level, my fellow  what he had thought about and learned since

       Toastmasters enthusiastically thanked him for  he joined Toastmasters. One salient point he
       attending and welcomed him to return. I am  mentioned stopped me in my tracks. As our
       proud of my  Toastmaster colleagues. Everyone  conversation rolled on, Robert said he had shared
       authentically expresses their support and  his wonderful experience “so far” in Toastmasters

       encouragement toward their fellow Toastmasters  with some folks. A few asked, “why would you
       and our guests.                                       want to join Toastmasters?”
          Before Robert walked down the street, off              Tom Wolfe, thank you for standing up and
       to work, alone in his own thoughts about the  saying what you believed. Through your example

       meeting, I asked him if he had a moment.  I am empowered to speak up to what I believe—in
       Immediately, Robert said, “Yes!” As we walked,  my own voice! I told Robert that those people
       I gave him my elevator pitch on the value of  dissing his new adventure were presumptuous
       Toastmasters. After we arrived at my car, I  and pretentious. Robert readily agreed. We have

                                                                                     VOICES! | JULY, 2018     21
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