Page 28 - voices.may2018
P. 28
Changing “I Can’t”
to “I Can”
Nick Hunt, Prospective Club President
“Tell me about a time that you showed friends. As
leadership,” the interviewer stated. I Jessy loves
reached back in my memories and to sing, her
offered up an example, knowing it was a surprise party
weak one. I didn’t get that job and I felt my was realized in
answer to that question was a significant a private karaoke
factor. Soon after, I joined Moda Mouths suite in Portland
Toastmasters. There I realized my lack last November
of leadership experiences were due to a with all of her
misconception I had about confidence. friends. She had
I thought it meant making brash a blast and it
statements or being arrogant. I learned, became one
however, that it simply means knowing of our most
one has the ability to do something. memorable experiences together. It was made possible
Having the attitude of “I can” rather than because I changed “I can’t” to “I can”.
“I can’t” is the key to being more assertive Toastmasters continued to connect with me on a
and becoming a leader. personal level. I was blessed to have a close relationship
Initially, Toastmasters helped make with my late grandfather and we enjoyed many common
a difference on a personal level last fall. interests. I was touched to learn there was one more that
My wife, Jessy, had never had a surprise I was unaware of: Toastmasters. Being a salesman, he
birthday party before. I was not one to went to Toastmasters because it helped him to be more
throw parties, so I never planned one engaging and confident with clients. I, too, began my
for her despite her subtle hints. I always Toastmasters journey to develop professionally and deal
thought, “No, I can’t do that.” I began to with my misconceptions about confidence. This was my
think of all the positives that would come confirmation that I was in the right place.
if I did plan one, and realized the only In January, I attended my first Moda Mouths
negative would be not trying. Toastmasters officers’ meeting. Surprisingly at the end of
I began coordinating and making it, I was club president. This was my first experience in a
arrangements with the help of some close true leadership position and I learned the importance of