Page 38 - 2017.May Voices
P. 38
Hope in Action!
by Judy Miller
When I began my
work as a volunteer
with a women’s weaving
cooperative in rural South
Africa, my goal was to help the women make
their co-op sustainable. I didn’t know their
language or their culture and had no experience
in marketing, but I threw myself into the job for
these humble women had captured my heart. I
brought a hope-filled American energy to their
world and they brought faith, tenacity, patience
and laughter to mine.
The first time a group of American tourists
visited the studio and left with their arms filled
with woven goods, I cheered with the women as
they sang and raised their arms to the heavens My African Thanksgiving tour in November
giving thanks for their good fortune. offers the opportunity to meet my beloved South
Through the years, as many others stepped African world. My wonderful Toastmasters for
forward to support the women and children of Speaking Professionals club is helping me gain
Rooboklaagte, I found myself serving as a conduit the skills I need to share my message of hope.
between generosity and gratitude. Catastrophes Judy Miller joined Toastmasters for Speakng
occurred, whether it was Gertrude’s house Professonals in May 2016. When she isn’t guiding
falling down on her disabled granddaughter or tourists to South Africa, she shares wonderful stories
Anna getting a diagnosis of full blown AIDS, about her time wth the Mapusha Weaver’s Guild wth
and people helped. They also pitched into the her audience. To learn more about Judy, visit her
community, giving the grade school a long website at Her book is available
overdue facelift, and funded the digging of a on
well for clean drinking water.
Just last week I got word that Eulender had
graduated from college. She had watched her
sister die a wrenching death and she wanted to
be a doctor and start a hospital where people
were treated with love and dignity. Six families
stepped forward to pay her school fees for seven
years. Eulender will pay it forward, I know.
My fourteen years and counting with the
women of the Mapusha weaving coop taught
me the power of hope and the truth of Nelson
Mandela’s words, Action without vision is only
passing time, vision without action is merely
daydreaming, but vision with action can change
the world.
My book, Handspun Hope, Making a Difference
in Rural South Africa, chronicles my partnership
with the Mapusha Weavers.
38 VOLUME 3 ISSUE 11 MAY, 2017