Page 34 - 2017.May Voices
P. 34


                                  Call Your Dad

                                  Cheri Perry, ATMB, AL

                                      The following speech was presented at the 2017 District 7 Spring
                                  Conference on May 6th, and earned the author 2nd Place in the International
       Speech contest. It is reprinted here wth the author’s permission.

         We are more digitally connected than ever  flowed and I listened to my Father put me at
     before today.  In fact, 9 out of every 10 Americans  ease, I realized that he was connecting with me-
     has a cell phone and a full 40% of us no longer  letting me know that I was way more important
     have a land line phone in our homes.  If you  than his new vehicle and while the Bronco was
     look around, it won’t take long to see what we  still a wreck- I was definitely on the mend!  He
     are connected to these days.  We can barely have  closed out the call with a comment that has stayed
     a meal together without answering a phone or  with me all these years, “It’s only iron & rubber
     checking our text messages.                                                    Sweetheart”.  I’d love to tell
     We rarely meet strangers                                                       you that was the last time
     today because our noses are in                                                 my Father had to say those
     our phones and we have even                                                    words to me but that would
     gone as far as to disregard the                                                not be true.  My Father
     safety of others so we can stay                                                truly connected with his
     connected with social media                                                    daughter that day, in a way
     and our precious cell phones                                                   that affected me deeply.
     while we are driving.                                                          How about this call:  “I did
         I am old enough to                                                         everything you told me
     remember way back before                                                       Dad! I came early!  I worked
     everyone had a cell phone.                                                     late!  I even memorized
     Back then, we were certainly                                                   every item on the menu and
     not as digitally connected as                                                  they FIRED me today Dad!”
     we are now but we did seem to                                                  As I waited for his words of
     have more personal connec-                                                     wisdom, the reality of being
     tions- perhaps due in part to                                                  without a job back when
     the fact that our land lines kept us tethered to  every penny made the difference, felt like the
     the house where our parents could hear every  weight of the world was on my shoulders and
     word while we were talking on the phone!                that’s when he said the words that snapped me
         Let’s spend a few minutes thinking back to  out of my dark moment.  “Sweetheart, maybe
     some of the calls we used to make and some of  your future is not in food service”.  Nothing was
     the ways we connected before our ‘weapons of  fixed overnight but in that moment, my Father
     mass distraction’ (holding the cell phone up)  connected with my deeper sense of purpose and
     took over.                                              lifted me up to realize that even though it felt as
         Maybe you had to make this call:  “Dad, I’ve  if the world had stopped spinning- life would go
     been in an accident”.  I was terrified to make that  on and I would find my way.
     call because I had just wrecked my Father’s brand          This call was one of the toughest ones I ever
     new full sized Bronco so he surprised me with his  had to make—maybe you’ve been there:  “Dad,
     first question.  “Sweetheart, are you OK”?  Well  I’m so tired.  After 7 years, I thought we would
     I was OK right then but I was concerned about  have things figured out.  How do you know when
     later that night when he got home!  As the tears  you’re done Dad?  How do you know when it’s

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