Page 35 - 2017.May Voices
P. 35

time to give up and call it a day?”  His answer was    treasure to be cherished.  Let’s make sure we are
        uncharacteristically SHORT and a bit heated.           more personally connected to them and take
        “Sweetheart, it’s NEVER time to give up!” ….and        every opportunity to POWER DOWN these
        he HUNG up- he disconnected the call.  I was so        weapons of mass distraction so we can connect
        angry in the moment.  I felt as if he had sided with   with them here on this earth while we have the
        my husband, like he disconnected with me- but          chance.  Won’t you take a moment. . . if you still
        did he?  Or, did he disconnect my thoughts of          can, and Call Your Dad?
        giving up on my marriage and really CONNECT                Cheri Perry joined Toastmasters in 2000.
        with the fact that sometimes you have to say no        She s a member of Totem Pole Club in Vancouver,
        to the thoughts that don’t serve you?                  Washington. This year she is serving as VP Public
           Technology is an amazing thing.  Our phones         Relations.
        have the power to connect but they also wield
        their power to disconnect more often than we
        might care to admit.  There is no amount of
        technology that can take the place of human
        interaction.  No device SMART enough to let              CUPCAKE
        a child or family member know how impor-
        tant they are to you.  No text message written
        of despair and no APP wise enough to help you  UPDATE
        expertly enough to lift someone out of the pit

        HANG UP on those ideas and thoughts that do              by Dawnette Hale, ACS, ALB
        not serve you.  Finally, there is no WIFI connec-
        tion STRONG enough to connect to loved ones                 Rose City Toasters is currently at 10
        who have passed on.                                      members and 7 DCP Goals. David Johnston
           I remember the last call with my Father; it           and I joined in May ~ David received his
        went something like this:  “Hi Dad!  How are you         cupcakes at the Spring District 7 Conference.
        feeling? How did your voice therapy go?”  My                We are working with six people who are
        father had been undergoing voice therapy for a           interested in joining the Club. Two at CRCI,
        few weeks prior to this phone call and if you ever       Two new Toastmasters, and two from other
        met my Dad, you would know how much the                  Clubs!!!  If we can help them join, we would
        loss of his beautiful, uplifting and commanding          be at 16 members.  We are still short of
        VOICE rocked his world.  This day was a little           Distinguishing members (or Cupcakers as I
        different.  “I’m doing fine Sweetheart”, he said
        in a very scratchy voice.  Then he said my name          like to call them). Our target is 18.
        in a way only my Father could say it, “I love you           Could you see yourself helping? The Club
        Cheri”, it was as clear as a bell and I knew that        is very interested in growing their skills and
        everything was going to be fine!  My father was          would be very appreciative of members from
        finally on the mend.  We ended the call and              outside. Please contact me at Dawnette.hale@
        everything seemed right in the world until the  to join.
        following morning when my Mother made the
        most difficult phone call of her life.  She called
        to let me know that my Dad was gone.  The final
        disconnect is the most brutal.
           We are all more digitally connected than ever
        before but if we don’t figure out how to master
        the POWER button, we will miss the opportu-
        nities that genuine, eye to eye & heart to heart
        contact can provide in our lives.  We will miss
        the opportunity to speak words of wisdom and
        encouragement into our friends and family
        because time waits for no one.
           The precious gift of friends and family is a

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