Page 20 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 20
My View of a Successful Club
by Cathy French. ACG, ALB
What is Success? To all the above, success cannot be a when, but it
Success = Doing the right things at the right has to be something within you.
Success can mean feeling that tingle of Here’s a story about Symantec, a club I
excitement about what you do—sticking with it considered a Successful Club in the 2015-2016
through the hard times no matter what happens. year. It is a corporate club in the Springfield/
Success is GRIT—the power of passion and Eugene area. I was their Area Director. I was
perseverance. Isaac Alex Phiri defined his ideas immediately impressed when Club President,
of success as follows: Paula Whipple, reached out to me to introduce
herself before I was even familiar with the names
I cannot really give one specific meaning of success, of the clubs I would be visiting.
but I would say success is simply:
Paula let me know about the corporate club,
1. reach to a place where your dreams were how the members were excited to meet me, and
pointing to the routine I needed to follow when I visited.
Before I arrived, I had a background on some
2. when you get what you really wanted of the members, what the clubs’ goals were, and
3. when you triumph over your adversaries, where they were at that time. I have to say, this
was the easiest visit I could plan.
obstacles and barriers of life.
20 Volume 3 Issue 3 - SEPTEMBER 2016