Page 24 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 24

An Ideal Year

by John Rodke, DTM

                                 Why is there such a          •	 Arrange the speech contests (2 spring and
                            hullabaloo over club officer           2 fall, usually run jointly) Pro Tip: Delegate
training? Training matters because it lays the                     this to your assistants or members who
groundwork for your club to have an ideal year.                    need to fulfill their CL manual. 4 people
    OK, so what does an ideal year look like for                   can gain credit per event.
a club?
    It is one where every member grows, learns,               •	 Run your club Mentorship program. This
and enjoys the process. Here is one proven and                     is the most beneficial way to retain new
fun structure to accomplish this goal with ease.                   members and enrich the experience of
I encourage you to take this template, couple it                   “seasoned” members. If possible, every
with your imagination, and make it your own.                       person in the club should be a mentor,
                                                                   and have a mentor. Fun and rewarding
All officers                                                       growth ensues.
    •	 Get trained in summer and winter. 4
         minimum per club. All 7 is better!                   •	 You are in charge of meeting role sign-
    •	 Gather 2 assistants. They help you run                      ups. Work with the Secretary and your
         events and succeed in your role. They are                 assistants to delegate this vital task and
         next year’s potential officers. Delegation                gain club buy-in.
         empowers people to grow. Give them clear
         objectives and support, but let them use         VP Membership
         their creativity to figure out how to get            •	 Run two membership campaigns per
         there.                                                    year. Goal: at least 4 new members per
    •	 Achieve at least one educational goal. This                 campaign. That’s less than a new member
         sets the example, and gives you motivation                per month!
         to thrive in your role.                              •	 Welcome visitors and let them know you
    •	 Learn how to navigate the International                     care. After the meeting, follow up using
         website. This includes signing up new                     the contact information you gathered.
         members and submitting awards.                            Show the benefits and explain the simple
    •	 Study the basics of the Distinguished Club                  process to let them join enthusiastically.
         Program. Submit awards early and make                     Tap into that enthusiasm as energy for
         it a fun to-do list.                                      your club to get excited and grow.
                                                              •	 Reach out to members who haven’t
President                                                          attended recently. An unexpected hello
    •	 Go to both Spring and Fall Conferences                      goes a long way. The easiest members
         and Officer Trainings.                                    to recruit are past members. They know
    •	 Be the support for your club. Recognize                     the benefits and have so much wisdom
         members who have achieved awards                          to share.
         and make a positive ruckus about it. Pro
         Tip: Have members bring in their paper
         certificates for the club to write notes of
         encouragement on.
    •	 Delegate. Do not do everything yourself.
         This will allow you to enjoy the role.

VP Education
    •	 Track member progress. This can be a
         spreadsheet or just check in with them

24 Volume 3 Issue 3 - SEPTEMBER 2016
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