Page 16 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 16


Eric Winger, DTM—Coach—
Mentor—Speech Champion

by Brinn Hemmingson, ACG, CL

    Those Toastmasters lucky enough to know                         me to grow every day.” His appreciation of
Eric know he is a man of warm, easy humor                           feedback echoes other Toastmasters who feel
who enjoys talking about family. And ironically                     they grew most
enough, it is that very subject that brought him                    in their ability
                                                                    to listen which
to Toastmasters. In 2009, Eric was going to                         improved their
be the President of his children’s elementary                       performance
school PTO—and he did not know how to run                           at work.
an organization. A friend suggested he attend
a Toastmaster meeting, saying how they ran                              Eric won
meetings and had fun, neither of which sounded                      the District
like fun to Eric! Yet, fortunately for all of us, he                7 Humorous
went anyway.                                                        Contest in
                                                                    2012, and the
    Eric is a member of Silicon Forest                              Evaluation
Toastmasters and Feedbackers. Like many                             contest in 2014. He says, “I’m happy to say that
Toastmasters, he’s served in most if not all the                    I’ve lost far more contest that I’ve won. I say
officer roles. He was president of Feedbackers                      I’m happy because in spite of the gut-punch
four times in the past and an Area Governor.                        that losing gives you, losing is the place where
He is the VP of Membership for Silicon Forest.                      one grows.”

                                               In his “other life”      Eric said that his best Toastmaster moments
                                          Eric is a software        don’t come from the contests or his recent DTM,
                                          engineer for              but rather from coaching students at Future Stars
                                          GemTalk Systems.          and mentoring fellow Toastmasters with speeches
                                          He says, “I thank         or speaking techniques. These are the moments
                                          Toastmasters for          when he is given the opportunity to give back
                                          helping me improve        to the community that has been “so gracious
                                          my listening and          and kind.” As he puts it, “More importantly, it’s
                                          feedback skills. I        a chance to make small difference in someone’s
often took criticism poorly, sometimes reacting                     life. I can’t think of anything better than that.”
angrily to even helpful advice. Today, I view a
lot of that criticism as coaching. That has helped

16 Volume 3 Issue 3 - SEPTEMBER 2016
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