Page 14 - 2016 September Voices!
P. 14
Learn the Language of Inviting
by Cathy French, ACG, ALB—Club Growth Director
Here are a few ideas where you can look without at least one ask.
for club members, or maybe even start a club Are you involved with, or have access to
specifically for them.
Little League, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Baseball/
Professional Associations (Bookkeeping, Real Soccer/Football leagues, PTA, boating clubs, or
Estate, Certified Public Accountants, Architects, car clubs?
Engineers, etc.) —Members of professional orga-
nizations tend to be from one specific type of Do you go to pot lucks, barbeques, parties,
industry. Their primary purpose is to exchange cruises, concerts, or a plethoria of other social
information and ideas about their industry. events?
Invite them to come as guests to a meeting. They
can become a member in your club, or suggest Do you network with other parents or
other people who might join. with your social network, if not why not? Do
they have the same needs as you? Do they
Women’s Organizations (EWomen Network, spend money on doctors, dentists, remodels,
Professional Saleswomen, WE of the World, chiropractors, massages, insurance plans, and
etc.)—Members here are diverse in structure mortgages?
and makeup. You can meet a CEO of a company
here. These organizations tend to be concerned Could they benefit from the people in your
with education and professional development club? Do you know what kind of businesses they
as well as networking. It’s a great place to look are in? Start building the relationships with
for new members. these people the same way you do your busi-
ness contacts. Drop them a line out of nowhere.
Community Service Organizations (Rotary, Send them a card, ask them about themselves.
Lions Kiwanis, etc.)—Just like Toastmasters, the Invite them to come as a guest to your club.
goal of these organizations is to put something
back into the community. They garner good Learn the Language of Inviting—Invite
public relations. Here you will meet the movers someone every day!
and shakers of the community. No overt
networking allowed here. You will
need to develop trust and facilitate
a referral atmosphere.
Homeowners Associations—
Meet consumers, business owners,
and CEOs at the meetings. Invite
them to a meeting.
If you are a member of any of
these organizations, invite a fellow
Toastmaster to go with you as a guest.
That’s two of you to speak up and
Also, remember to introduce
them to the members when they
do come to a meeting. Ask them
to join. Do not let them leave
14 Volume 3 Issue 3 - SEPTEMBER 2016