Page 25 - 2016 July voices
P. 25
“But I am not funny!”
A Q & A Session with and apologies to Pink Panther
by Shannon Milliman, CC
Many might think that Pink Panther, a large, You cannot imitate the
gangly, pink cat who does not speak could not humor styles that work for other toastmasters.
possibly be funny. His whiskers are dispro- Not even the celebrity ones. This is your speech,
portionately long, he has no vocal variety and your experience and your style. Humor, to be
he never does parentheticals. Never. Perhaps successful in the contest has to be rehearsed. It has
you impose similar perceptions upon yourself. to be punched out so particularly and emphati-
Perhaps you’ve heard your voice recorded and cally that you require your audience to respond.
you are appalled at how tinny and
high it sounds. You don’t feel Q: Shouldn’t humor be unexpected?
comfortable in your body A: It is delightful when unexpected gems reveal
on stage. Perhaps your tail is themselves in the pursuit of humor process. Those
too long. Did your fifth grade are bonus points (disclaimer: not an actual judges
teacher have you write on the
chalk board “I am not funny grading rubric addition!) but generally speaking
when I disrupt class” 100 times I believe that that is the lazy toastmaster’s excuse
and now you believe it?
for not polishing their speech and refining
Is that your excuse for not the humor. Something that you
competing in the humorous laugh about a little bit
speech contest? Well, that’s could easily be devel-
pathetic. Too bad, so sad. oped into a belly roll
Sign up. Now. Yes, we’ll laughter with just the
wait. . .You ARE competing. right gesture or hesi-
And you ARE about to get funny! tation. The famous
Pink Panther riff and
Q: How can I be funny when I don’t know what his antics are particularly
parts of my speech are funny?
A: If you don’t know what parts are funny run it poignant often because of the stopping and
by an audience and notice when they laugh. That starting of Pink Panther’s movement in sync with
is just a start. Now, pull those parts out and make the music.
them funnier. Pause more. Could you break up
a sentence for dramatic effect and make a funny Q: Well, that proves it, I can’t be funny without
face for emphasis? That could draw out your music! What do I do if I am not funny by myself?
humor. Secondarily, you are the one who wrote A: Lies!! You are funny by yourself. Several times
this speech so you get to decide what is funny. You in your life you have been laughed at…good
make it funny. Don’t rely on your speech. You are and bad. Think about what people seem to find
the one most committed to it. We can’t leave all endearing about your style and experiment. Don’t
the observations to our audience. We have to do be afraid to poke fun at yourself. Self-deprecate
some of the hard work. I can guarantee that even with dignity. Is your gait unique? Do you have
if you don’t think a line is funny there are times the air of a high school drama diva? Do you talk
when you can convince that line to be funny. slow? Exaggerate a trait you already have and see
how you can incorporate it to make your words
Q: How do I ‘make it funny’?! funnier.
A: Still stumped, that’s ok. The challenge humor
brings is there is no one way to be funny. It is Q: What if there are funnier people in my club?
important to tune in to your style of humor. A: Then you are in good hands. If the only reason
you compete is to win you are missing the boat.
Even though the ego may want you to be the
Volume 3 Issue 1 - JULY 2016 25