Page 24 - 2016 July voices
P. 24


The Youth Today. The Future Tomorrow.

by Hanin Najjar

    December 12, 2015, the annual Future Stars            Today in the United States and worldwide,
Competition. On this day I won third place and        there is discrimination and hate for religion,
received a shiny black trophy which now sits on       ethnicity, skin color, sex, occupation, and so on.
my shelf. Every time I see it, I am reminded of       Changing those ideologies needs to start with the
my accomplishments and how far I have come            youth. Youth that grow up with diversity will bring
in the past few years. However, the trophy is         a future of unity and peace between all of the
insignificant compared to what Future Stars           people, and the current world which is divided
has really given me. Future Stars has given me        into “us versus them” will fade away.
the ability to speak to strangers both on a stage
and off. It has given me the ability to leave my          “I am hopeful” Hassan says, “that together we
comfort zone and place myself in foreign situa-       will make the world a better place.”
tions. It has given me the power of storytelling.
Although these are not tangible, they hold a great        	 Youth leaders that are motivated and well
value. Being a member of Future Stars for five        spoken will gather and inspire people. Changes
years has boosted my self confidence and gifted       will start to happen, and the future will be a little
me the power of a voice.                              brighter.

    As an officer I want to bring this gift to other      As I always say, if you want to change the
members in the club and teach them communica-         future, start with the youth.
tion and leadership skills. Future Stars provides
a safe space for youth to develop public speaking         Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
skills and provides the members opportunities         and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
to advocate for themselves.                           International, helping the young people of today
                                                      become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
    In a world where the voices of the young          open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
people are often drowned out by the elders. The       gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
youth will be left with a world that they have        thinkers, speakers and leaders.
had no say in. Future Starts works to give these
youth a voice. Giving the youth a voice is vital          The club meets weekly during the school year every
for the future.                                       Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW 160th
                                                      Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first room
     Jasiah Hassan, the president of Future Stars     in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars or
and a rising junior at Sunset High School, says,      to visit the club, pleas contact us at
“By empowering youth and giving us a voice,  or contact Coach
we are securing a better future and inspiring an      Eric at 503.516.6271. Visitors are encouraged to
entire generation of thinkers and leaders.”           visit the club and see for themselves why Future Stars
                                                      should be part of their educational journey.
    In our world of destruction, chaos and corrup-
tion, it is today’s youth that bear the burden of
finding the solutions. Hassan says, “It won’t be
long before the rein will be handed to us and we’ll
be thrust into the terrifying position of dealing
with these enormous changes.”

    To make the changes, the youth must have
resources and opportunities to learn. Diverse
groups such as Future Stars teach youth to see
the world in a different light and be open minded
to different ideas and thoughts.

24 Volume 3 Issue 1 - JULY 2016
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