Page 13 - Voices Decemper 2015
P. 13
Spotlight on Success
By Alexis Mason, DTM
This spotlight is dedicated to the not there at your club meetings, should always speak from a
most important person in the the club and you are missing manual. Why? The manual
entire worldwide Toastmasters out. Please commit to accepting might not have changed since
organization. That is you, all of roles in the meeting. Some folks you completed it before, but
you as individuals. Without you, are intimidated by the thought you have. You will gain new
the individual member, there of being general evaluator or insights each time you complete
would be no organization, no table topics master, for example. the CC or the CL manual. In
regions, no districts, no divi- If you are, take the risk. You will addition, the advanced manuals,
sions, no areas, and certainly find that your club is not only modules, and seminar materials
no clubs. a safe environment to try out will benefit you and your club.
speech ideas, it’s also a safe envi- If you’re a leader, and you are,
Think of your member- ronment for the challenge of please lead by example.
ship as a gift to yourself, but other roles. This is also a chance
also to everyone with whom for you to be mentored. One You are worthy of the best
you associate, either person- of the tasks in the CL manual Toastmasters has to offer.
ally or in some community is to mentor an experienced
or corporate capacity. Aren’t member. Let someone help you. Until I see you again. . .
you a better family member,
citizen, employee, employer, Commit to officer training,
civic minded volunteer, Sunday even if you’re not an officer.
school teacher, or any of a TLI events and other training
myriad of other roles you play? opportunities are more than
skill sets. They are connections
As we roll into 2016, and the to other Toastmasters, opportu-
second half of our Toastmaster nities to try on new ideas, and
year, I ask you not only to resolve a way to hear about innovative
certain goals. Please commit as methods to take back to your
well, and the commitment will club.
help keep you on track. What
should you commit? Please Please commit to manuals. Even
commit to attendance. If you are very experienced Toastmasters
Volume 2 Issue 5 - DECEMBER 2015 13