Page 17 - Voices Decemper 2015
P. 17

p Institute - January 23, 2016
ool - Wilsonville, Oregon

tration & Breakfast

Opening Comments
 vive when you can Thrive?
  ve and Allison Bennett

                    115                        117   119 123
        How to Wow Your            Speech Contests:
etter  Audience by Mind-          Prep Work & Rules  What’s the Plot? How    How To Run A High
 with                                                  to Use Storytelling  Energy Club Meeting
ple            Mapping                Alexis Mason      to Improve Your
  DTM      Your Content                   Ellen Ino        Presentation         Without A Taser
         Mike Goss, DTM                                     Joe Anthony              Bill Burns


w Club Lead, Distingusihed Clubs
  Schmidt, DTM, PIP

Education Program Update
dele O’Neal, DTM

o Announcements

otluck Extravaganza
                            115 117 119 123

ce     Sergeant at Arms         How to Get Your        Qualtiy Meetings:
 s:    Panel Discussion     Club to Accept Credit    Coaching Your Club
onal                        Cards: What’s In Your
 Your    Bruce Rottink                                       to Success
 ice    LeRoy Nollette                 Wallet?         Leanna Lindquist
 ke                             Scott Stevenson
                                                          Patrick Locke

ing and Final Wrap

       Volume 2 Issue 5 - DECEMBER 2015                                                          17
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