Page 11 - Voices Decemper 2015
P. 11

Pursuing Potential

                               Under the leadership of Club Coach Coordinator
                               Allison Bennett, the Club Coach Program is about to
                               take an exciting step forward. We are revitalizing the
                               Club Coach Program to be an exciting, viable and
                               sought-after opportunity for smaller clubs to partner
                               with trained coaches. We’ll match resources with club
                               needs to revitalize meetings, achieve members’ goals,
                               achieve club membership goals and build enthusiasm.
                               In the near future look for easily accessible programs
                               that not only help clubs grow but also increase the
                               opportunities for emerging speakers and leaders to
                               practice their skills.

The District aims to provide tools, tips, resources and speakers to help clubs
with low membership regain a solid footing and become distinguished. Any
club with 12 or fewer members can request a club coach — or even two. Club
coaches take an attitude of “do with” rather than “do to” or “do for” because
that is the best way to create possibilities, explore solutions, and encourage continuous growth.

Club officers can request a coach, and members can volunteer to be coaches, by simply sending
email to Serving as a club coach is a key step on the road to the
Advanced Leader Silver award. It’s also guaranteed to be hands-on practice in listening, leadership
and collaboration.

We’d like to officially welcome these dedicated Toastmasters to the Club Coach Program:

•	 Joe Anthony, ACB, ALB, who will coach Clack-Orators Toastmasters
•	 Joyce Eastwick, ACB, ALB, who will coach The Dalles Toastmasters Club

This brings to eight the number of clubs that are taking advantage and benefitting from the Club
Coach Program.

Happy Anniversary To December Clubs

                                   Chartered  Years         Club Name
                                  12/1/1979   26 FIG Masters
                                  12/11/2012  36 Arlington

                                              28 Rogue Communicators

                                              3 Passport To Leadership

                                  The following clubs are celebrating their charter
                                  anniversary this month. Congratulations to all! A
                                  special shout out to congratulate all clubs that have
                                  reached the quarter century mark or more: FIG
                                  Masters, Arlington, and Rogue Commicators!

Volume 2 Issue 5 - DECEMBER 2015                                        11
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