Page 7 - Voices Decemper 2015
P. 7
Leading from the Inside Out
by Michael ( Mick) Taylor, CC
I recently had the privilege amends for that mistake. It is the hardest - accepting
and the pleasure of coordi- mans that when we mess up, that we made a mistake.
nating a class on Working we need to fess up. Swallow hard and accept
in the Team Environment. that we made a mistake.
At that class, we explored Apologizing doesn’t always 2. A D M I T - P u b l i c l y
ways to be effective team come easily to many of acknowledge the
members and team leaders. us (myself included), but m i s t a ke . Otherwise,
Since the Toastmasters’ an apology offered, when no one will think we
motto is “Where Leaders called for, is a powerful way are serious about taking
are Made,” it was no surprise to enhance our authority ownership.
that some participants and credibility. Sometimes 3. APOLOGIZE - Specify
wanted to further examine we see an apology from a what we did wrong. (See
the finer points of being a leader as a sign of weak- previous paragraph)
good team leader. 4. ACT - Quickly respond
ness or incompetence; but to address the conse-
One of the things we in reality, it shows that we quences. Then people
discussed were the skills a as leaders are concerned know we’re serious about
team leader needs to build for the team’s success. An fixing the problem.
and maintain communica- apology must be genuine 5. AMEND - Often over-
tion with team members. I to be credible. We must looked in the process.
emphasized that the three acknowledge the mistake Appropriate reparations
most important skills are, and our role in it. For should be made when
in my opinion, fairness, example, how many times and where needed.
loyalty, and consistency. have you heard this “non- 6. ATTEND - Judge if our
These are three of the Four apology”: “I’m sorry that actions are working
Pillars of leader authenticity. you felt that way about- by paying close atten-
Why is authenticity impor- what I said.” That’ s not an tion to team members’
tant to being an effective apology. That’s blaming the reactions.
leader? Because authenticity person for their reaction
makes leaders more trust- without admitting error. Remember - Effective lead-
worthy and approachable. ership is an “inside-out”
This enhances commitment The quickest way for process. Self-awareness
from team members, which a leader to restore cred- makes us more authentic.
leads to better results. To be ibility and win better trust Authenticity leads to
an authentic leader requires is by following the six A’s of accountability, and account-
self-awareness. This means Leadership Accountability. ability makes a team leader
having a good grasp on our that others want to work
strengths and weaknesses. They are: with.
1. ACCEPT - The first step
What are the Four Pillars of This article first appeared in
Leader Authenticity? They the December 2015 issue of
revolve around account- the Capital News. It’s been
ability. Accountability reprinted with permission of
means taking responsibility the author Mick Taylor.
for the results - both good
and bad. It means having Mick joined Toastmasters
the self-awareness to know in 2014. He is a member of
when we’ve made a mistake, Capital Toastmasters where he
and knowing how to make serves as Club Secretary.
Volume 2 Issue 5 - DECEMBER 2015 7