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cessful Club . . .
Focus, Friends, Feedback: Milwaukie Talkies
Julie Gilliam, CC
The Milwaukie Talkies club is a friendly bunch, Lindsey Duncan said: "How open our club is,
from diverse backgrounds. We are early birds how willing we are to be open with speech
who meet at 7:15 am to give and receive topics and table topics. And also how willing
warm welcomes, support each other as we we are to hear the message".
learn, and share genuine laughter. The Kay Watson shared: "The constant and
camaraderie of our club transforms strangers consistent dedication of founding members
into fond acquaintances and, ultimately, into
Char Shinn and Connie
friends. Guests are made to feel
Schweitzer." Jensy Hines
very welcome and encouraged
stated: "One of the things that
to participate in Table Topics.
I enjoy the most about our
Welcome packets including
club is that I find many of the
membership info and copies of
speeches inspirational. I often
Toastmasters magazines are
find that a speech moves me
always ready to be shared with
to want to make a change for
Back row, L to R: Kay Watson (VP Ed), Lorna Dob- my family or for myself,
berstein (VP Membership), Julie Gilliam
Meetings often start with a (President), Colby Grantz ( VP PR), Front row, L to personally or professionally.
R: Char Shinn (Secretary), Poli Zhong (Treasurer)
breathing exercise to focus our her daughter Ming Mei seated in front, and Con- Sometimes a speech reaffirms
nie Schweitzer (SaA)
attention, bring us into the my beliefs and makes me feel
moment, and remind us why we've chosen to good about something in my life. We have a
wake up early, leave our cozy beds, and great club because people really put thought
attend. Breathing in confidence, positive and effort into the speeches they give and
energy. Breathing out self doubt and negative along with the speaking, it is great to watch
energy. During each meeting, members are our members grow as they share bigger and
encouraged to provide written feedback for better parts of themselves."
those who have participated. Awards are At the conclusion of each Milwaukie Talkies
given for Best Speech, Best Evaluator, and Best meeting, a positive tone has been established
Table Topic. At the end of each meeting, a for the rest of the day. We've given our best to
special homemade Rock Star award is given to the Toastmasters experience. We've listened
the member who did an exemplary job. The and been heard, been respected and
glitzy, coveted award travels with the uplifted. Whatever else the day may hold, we
recipient to home or office for one week and say, "Bring it on! Toastmasters prepares us for
is returned at the next meeting. success!"
The question, "What is outstanding about the Julie Gilliam joined Milwaukie Talkies in 2012. This
Milwaukie Talkies?" was recently posed to the year she is serving as Club President.
Focus, Friends, Feedback: Milwaukie Talkies
Julie Gilliam, CC
The Milwaukie Talkies club is a friendly bunch, Lindsey Duncan said: "How open our club is,
from diverse backgrounds. We are early birds how willing we are to be open with speech
who meet at 7:15 am to give and receive topics and table topics. And also how willing
warm welcomes, support each other as we we are to hear the message".
learn, and share genuine laughter. The Kay Watson shared: "The constant and
camaraderie of our club transforms strangers consistent dedication of founding members
into fond acquaintances and, ultimately, into
Char Shinn and Connie
friends. Guests are made to feel
Schweitzer." Jensy Hines
very welcome and encouraged
stated: "One of the things that
to participate in Table Topics.
I enjoy the most about our
Welcome packets including
club is that I find many of the
membership info and copies of
speeches inspirational. I often
Toastmasters magazines are
find that a speech moves me
always ready to be shared with
to want to make a change for
Back row, L to R: Kay Watson (VP Ed), Lorna Dob- my family or for myself,
berstein (VP Membership), Julie Gilliam
Meetings often start with a (President), Colby Grantz ( VP PR), Front row, L to personally or professionally.
R: Char Shinn (Secretary), Poli Zhong (Treasurer)
breathing exercise to focus our her daughter Ming Mei seated in front, and Con- Sometimes a speech reaffirms
nie Schweitzer (SaA)
attention, bring us into the my beliefs and makes me feel
moment, and remind us why we've chosen to good about something in my life. We have a
wake up early, leave our cozy beds, and great club because people really put thought
attend. Breathing in confidence, positive and effort into the speeches they give and
energy. Breathing out self doubt and negative along with the speaking, it is great to watch
energy. During each meeting, members are our members grow as they share bigger and
encouraged to provide written feedback for better parts of themselves."
those who have participated. Awards are At the conclusion of each Milwaukie Talkies
given for Best Speech, Best Evaluator, and Best meeting, a positive tone has been established
Table Topic. At the end of each meeting, a for the rest of the day. We've given our best to
special homemade Rock Star award is given to the Toastmasters experience. We've listened
the member who did an exemplary job. The and been heard, been respected and
glitzy, coveted award travels with the uplifted. Whatever else the day may hold, we
recipient to home or office for one week and say, "Bring it on! Toastmasters prepares us for
is returned at the next meeting. success!"
The question, "What is outstanding about the Julie Gilliam joined Milwaukie Talkies in 2012. This
Milwaukie Talkies?" was recently posed to the year she is serving as Club President.