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wcasing Success. . . Submitted by Lisa Hutton, CC, CL

Marylhurst Toastmasters—8 Years Presidents Distinguished

Marylhurst Toastmasters (5588) chartered October 1, 1988 and has a reputation throughout District 7
for being a club that is structured and committed to excellence, while at the same time, informal and
fabulously fun! Above all, we share a fellowship of encouragement and support. Members and
welcomed guests, often two or three per meeting, assemble weekly on Thursday evenings from 6:30
to 8:00 p.m. on the Marylhurst University campus in the Hemlock Room in the Villa Maria building.

Bill Burns, VP Membership. . .

Comes for the energy, fun and sense of community

Appreciates the great feedback and coaching

Loves the sense of togetherness and community

Members of Marylhurst Toastmasters have the opportunity to speak often and participate in all
aspects of the club. I joined Toastmasters
in June of 2011 and was elected shortly
thereafter to serve as the club’s VP of
Education, a role that I hold again this
year. My transferrable skills from outside
of Toastmasters were a perfect match for
this role and I quickly embraced my own
leadership and communication growth. As
a result of my regular attendance at our
club’s weekly meetings, I quickly found
myself rising up to meet each challenge and able to stretch, bit by bit, beyond my comfort
zone. Opportunities continued to unfold in spades and I was both growing and glowing with each
role I took on and each task I completed. Toastmaster’s new tagline, WHERE LEADERS ARE MADE has
been my experience within both my club and the overall Toastmasters program.

Theresa Monohan, Secretary. . .

Comes for increased confidence and because we’re like family

Appreciates the genuine care from others, networking, support and encouragement

Loves that we are down to earth and real. We all have a story worthy of telling

Being a president of Marylhurst Toastmasters carries a legacy of leadership. As the club’s President in
2012-13, I had the pleasure of partnering with my fellow club member and D7’s current LGM (Lt.
Governor of Marketing), Leanna Lindquist, to co-chair the district’s fall and spring conferences with
the intent that I’d chair these same events the following year. Not surprisingly, our club’s stellar
support extends far beyond the clubhouse. Our members, including our past president, Melissa
Siegel, and current president, Beth Nelson, regularly stepped up to help with tasks, like registration, to
make all of these conferences run smoothly. Marylhurst ROCKS - we continue to laugh, learn and help

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