Page 24 - voices-2024-04
P. 24

would not damage the old items. My father must       William Dodson - nothing. Then I tried Julia Dod-
           have put the box away and forgotten all about it.    son. There she was on Wikipedia, the first post-
                                                                master of Rose Lodge, Oregon in 1908. The bit of
           I too set the box aside to deal with other priorities.  feminism in me relished the woman being the
           When I had time, I made a foray into the box full    one who left her mark on history. Rose Lodge is
           of life insurance policies, mortgages, and promis-   a small place I must have passed by many times
           sory notes. My mind flashed to the Milton-Bradley  in my life. It is an unincorporated community on
           Game of Life. These were the same items from         highway 18 between Grand Rhonde and Lincoln
           that game, but these were real.                      city.

           If this box arrived as I thought at my father’s      I went back to the box. A black box is the record
           house, it would have been a cumbersome task          of an airplane’s flight. This black box was the
           to track down the descendants of the owners. In      record of someone’s life. The earliest document
           the days before widespread internet, perhaps we      in the box was from 1890. It was an agreement
           could have gone through the phone book calling       by Oliver Dodson to pay $100.00 for land North
           people with the                                                                    of Dallas, Oregon.
           last name on the                                                                   There is an 1892
           documents, Dod-                                                                    promissory note
           son. It seems like it                                                              to Union Hardware
           would have been                                                                    in McMinnville. A
           a lot of calls for                                                                 beautiful elaborate-
           such a common                                                                      ly decorated life
           name. Perhaps we                                                                   insurance policy
           could have gone                                                                    dated 1894 from
           to the library to                                                                  Woodsman’s in-
           get information to                                                                 surance naming
           narrow our search.                                                                 Julia as benefactor.
           Such labor seemed                                                                  There are also doc-
           unnecessary for                                                                    uments in the box
           abandoned prop-                                                                    belonging to an-
           erty. Nothing in                                                                   other man, William
           the box seemed                                                                     Dodson.
           vital to return.
           Everything was expired, paid promissory notes,       Now I begin to bounce back and forth between
           property sales from long ago. It seemed that         the box and Google. On Google I found Wiki tree
           someone went through and picked out the things  bios, ancestry news articles, and an article by The
           they needed to keep and discarded the rest. This     North Lincoln County Museum. Julia had kept a
           theory is supported by a copy of the Willamina       diary and the pieces that were saved are treasured
           Times from May 3, 1917, which has a square hole      by the museum. Google confirms that Oliver was
           cut out of it. Someone must have decided to cut      Julia’s husband. William was one of their sons.
           out the portion meaningful to them and leave the
           rest.                                                A booklet in the box is titled Workman’s timebook
                                                                and has tables to figure wages and space to track
           I looked for the names and places of the docu-       time worked. William Dodson used this between
           ments on the internet. Oliver Dodson - nothing.      1904 and 1906. One of the jobs recorded was

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