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in a future issue?
                                                                What if my club wants to advertise

                                                              We welcome advertisements for your
                                                             club in a future issue of Voices! There is

                                                            no cost to post an ad. However, please
                                                           keep in mind the issues will be released
                                                           quarterly, with a two month lead time.
                                                          This means we are looking to advertise

                                                         more general club information, and not

                              How will other news be distributed between
                              issues?                   specific event announcements.

                              Voices! will not be the only source of District 7

                             information. There will be information coming directly
                             from the district between each issue. This will include
                             reminders of upcoming events, such as conferences,
                             deadlines, and other timely announcements. This in

                            combination with the district calendar will help keep
                            everyone informed during the year.

                     What type of articles will be featured?

                      Since Voices! will be a quarterly publication,
                      we will feature more evergreen articles.

                      These articles involve subjects that are
                      more timeless. Such as how to improve
                      your speech delivery, tips for a successful
                       open house, or identifying your leadership

                       style. We want to publish topics that could
                       be helpful throughout the year

                                                                                          VOICES! | Fall 2023    7
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