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genuine interest in learning about oth- 7. Be Consistent and Patient
Building a robust network takes time
4. Reconnect with Past Contacts and consistent effort. Don’t get discour-
aged if results aren’t immediate. Stay
patient and committed to the process,
and the rewards will eventually follow.
One of the most significant advan- Be proactive in maintaining connections,
tages of rebuilding your network is following up with new contacts, and
the potential to reconnect with former nurturing relationships.
contacts. Reach out to old colleagues,
classmates, or business acquaintances.
Express genuine interest in catching up
and inquire about their current endeav- 8. Join a Toastmasters Club
ors. Personalized messages and small
gestures can go a long way in rekindling
relationships that may have faded over Toastmasters can be a great way to re-
time. build your network. Effective networking
involves more than just making small
talk; it requires the ability to lead con-
5. Volunteer and Join Organizations versations, engage others, and leave
a positive and lasting impression. With
Toastmasters you’ll learn how to com-
municate effectively, which is an essen-
Engaging in volunteer work not only tial skill for networking, and you’ll build
helps you give back to the commu- your confidence which can make you
nity but also presents an opportunity more effective at networking.
to meet like-minded individuals who
share similar values. Look for local non-
profit organizations or industry-specific
groups where you can contribute your Rebuilding your network after a pause
skills and expertise. Volunteering often is a journey of rediscovery and growth.
leads to meaningful connections and Embrace the process with enthusiasm,
opens doors to new experiences. stay true to your objectives, and be
open to new experiences and connec-
tions. Whether online or in-person, net-
working offers an invaluable platform for
6. Seek Out Mentors personal and professional development.
Remember, the most meaningful con-
nections often stem from authentic and
Mentors play a vital role in personal and genuine interactions. So, go forth and
professional growth. As you rebuild your rekindle your network, for you never
network, consider seeking out mentors know where your renewed connections
who can guide you and offer valuable might lead you. Happy networking!
insights based on their experiences.
Mentors can provide encouragement,
support, and wisdom that can prove in- For feedback and questions, feel free
strumental in achieving your goals. to reach out
in/cristinaolivapatrick or visit Blue Ox
Toastmasters Club
VOICES! | Fall 2023 33