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Rebuilding Your Network:
How to Jumpstart Network Building After a Pause
Cristina Patrick
In life, we often encounter moments Social media and online platforms can be
that necessitate putting certain as- powerful tools for networking. LinkedIn,
pects on hold, and one such area is for instance, is a treasure trove of profes-
networking. Whether it’s due to per- sional connections. Update your profile,
sonal commitments, career transi- highlight your achievements, and engage
tions, or unforeseen circumstances, with industry-related content. Don’t forget
taking a break from networking is to join relevant groups and participate in
sometimes inevitable. However, just discussions. Likewise, Twitter, Facebook,
like a garden left untended, a paused and other platforms can also be valuable
network can wither over time. The resources for expanding your network.
good news is that rebuilding your
network is always possible, and with
the right approach, you can jump- 3. Attend Networking Events
start your network building journey
with renewed vigor and purpose.
While online networking is convenient and
effective, don’t underestimate the power
1. Reflect on Your Networking Goals
of in-person connections. Seek out local
networking events, industry conferences,
workshops, and seminars. These events
Before diving back into networking, provide excellent opportunities to meet
take a moment to reflect on your like-minded individuals, exchange ideas,
goals and aspirations. What do you and build meaningful relationships. Re-
want to achieve through network- member to approach conversations with a
ing? Define your objectives clearly,
whether it’s to find new career op-
portunities, expand your social circle,
or gain professional development
insights. A clear vision will serve as
a compass to guide you through the
rebuilding process.
2. Leverage Social Media and Online