Page 35 - voices-2023-04
P. 35

Know the outcome you want

                                                                   When I speak, I strive for topics that
                                                                are fun, interesting, and helpful, which are

                                                                critical. Because speaking just to hear myself
                                                             talk isn’t the point of sharing ideas with an
      Speakers who invite the audience into their            audience. Feedback from different clubs is
      topic are like welcoming them onto a carousel.         helpful. I note what elements of a speech stand

      They can enjoy the ride instead of being left          out. Did a certain facial expression make a
      behind on the sidelines to watch. The more an          point stick? When you get evaluations from
      audience feels your experiences, and visualizes        Toastmasters it’s an opportunity to know if your
      themselves in the situation, the more their            concepts are memorable, and if the audience

      mind will stay focused and not wander or fall          could easily tell someone else what they heard
      to boredom.                                            from you.
          Consider adding splashes of physical humor,            If your subject is more complex, break it into
      puns, or surprising twists that will make your         bite-sized chunks of information. If you want

      audience better understand your topic. Why             your points to really stick, then use repetition,
      are you the expert to speak about this subject?        humor, and vocal variety to make them even
      Why are you passionate about it? Share those           more sticky. It’s important to not overload the
      insights and the audience will feel like they can      audience. If your main theme is memorable,

      relate and be part of the story as they enjoy the      your audience will be engaged until the end of
      journey with you.                                      your speech.

                                                                                     VOICES! | APRIL 2023       35
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