Page 34 - voices-2023-04
P. 34


      Ready to Be Foolhardy?

      Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      Appearing foolish in front of others is a fear  Everyone loves the foolhardy

      for many people. I encourage anyone who feels              In the movie “13 Going on 30,” when actress

      this way to change their definition of foolish to       Jennifer Garner is at her company party and no
      foolhardy.                                              one is dancing, her character decides to dance
          Foolhardy means you’re taking a risk which          to the song "Thriller.” Her goal is to get the
      can be seen as both foolish and brave. It’s easy        party moving and she chooses not to care if she

      to be brave when there is no chance of looking          looks foolish. Spoiler Alert: Everyone eventually
      like a fool. However, it’s harder to show courage       dances because they want to experience this
      when there’s a chance of being embarrassed. I           freedom and have fun together.
      say, “If you are worried about looking foolish,            When you’re speaking to the audience, forget

      then do it with conviction and embrace being            that you're nervous and don’t worry about
      foolhardy.”                                             looking foolish. Even if you do look foolish,
          There have been times during speeches               your audience will admire your bravery. What’s
      when I jogged in place, contorted my face, and          fantastic about any Toastmasters meeting is

      yelled, “Yippee!” Not conventional ways to              that this is a place to experiment, practice, and
      express myself but memorable. Every audience            receive feedback on what your audience likes.
      member who listens to a speech wants to either          People will usually realize you are taking a risk
      be entertained or learn how this information            and support your efforts.

      is useful in their life. Doing both are the seeds
      of an award-winning speech. This sweet spot  Audiences don’t want to be bored

      not only inspires giggles, but creates a purpose           Have you ever gone to a lecture with a dry
      wrapped in a fun-filled package.                        monotone speaker? No engagement there. In

          Being foolhardy can work to your advantage.         fact, if you didn’t have a large caffeine-infused
      Here are some tips for your next speech:                beverage, you would fall asleep on the spot.

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