Page 30 - 2022-11
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and Club levels to barely being a Club member. limelight and the adrenaline rush of his former
(There are those who even suggest that I am not office, but I believe I need to stop turning green
even a good member at all.) I look around me, (or mottled brown), begin to exercise those limbs
know what experiences I have had—for even and s-t-r-e-t-c-h them out and begin a new leaf,
bad experiences can be good teachers—and a new chapter in my Toastmasters life book of
know there are needs, but I come up with 1001 experiences. The sad knowledge of all of this?
excuses for not doing anything. I loved being I know I am not alone in this thought process.
a Club Coach, I loved being the District Club Thus, dear reader, if I pick up the gauntlet
Coach Coordinator, and loved helping coaches for a renewed view on Toastmasters, its need
achieve their Club Coach completion status. I for leadership, as well as new methods, will
have never been motivated by trophies or awards, you do the same? I believe I have told this story
thus the certificates and “badges” (earned more many, many times in Club meetings about
than enough in the Scout program) are not that my first day as a public information officer
exciting to me. But, a nice note, a thank-you, or for disaster services and what happened when
even a nod will go a long way with me. Yet here I the microphones were shoved in my face for
am, my “little arms” are snuggly set by my side. I comment—and I strung my best sputtering and
am not reaching out. I am becoming comfortable non-communicatory expressions together. The
not “being” or “doing” anything. worst critics were not my boss, nor co-workers,
It is easy for me to class myself as a “TM but my Sunday School class. That is why I
Dino” as my social media skills are lacking, and needed Toastmasters. I never want to fall back
I continue to struggle giving speeches online to that level ever again. I am not a dinosaur. I
through Zoom or other platforms. But I do not will change. No block head for me.
want to be one deep down inside. I want to still Sorry, friends, but I need to cut this short and
enjoy the fellowship of the Club meetings, live or run to the grocery store. For some inexplicable
online. I still like to speak and want to continue reason, I have been craving steak tartar of late.
to improve. (I must, or I should say I get to speak Or maybe a nice red, juicy package of hamburger
before a conference next year delivering a thirty- meat. I also have a penchant for short-sleeved
to-forty-five-minute multi-media presentation.) shirts, too. Care to join me for a fast bite?
Plus, I believe I may still have leadership skills
that could prove to be useful to Toastmasters,
Clubs, and the District.
So here I am. Perhaps I am like the old, retired
fire horse still wanting to pull the engine to the
next fire, or the ex-president who misses the