Page 29 - 2022-11
P. 29
adjust to the changes to the improve myself. No, I found
program, or see the technological progress myself at T-Rex arm’s length away from
before them, and utters the world’s worst phrase many areas of the Toastmasters experience. I
“we’ve never done it that way before” or similar think I just became inured to the changes and
words to that effect. Might as well try to use latest programs because I was not committed to
those little arms to pick things up, or even grab wanting to try them out. Oh yes, I survived the
a cup of coffee. (Do you know why dinosaurs first changes in the early 2000’s and found them
do not use drive through windows? Their arms making sense and became challenged to learn.
cannot reach the food nor dig into their pockets Then we hit Pathways-which I sort of liked, but it
for change.) came out earlier to our District than we thought
For you see, I have lost my “ joy” in it would and were a little unprepared and not
Toastmasters. For some reason, I find myself ready for the resistance we faced. (Resistance was
being placed “on the back burner” of the futile.) Now, four DTM’s later, I have become a
Toastmasters world. I am not working on any ho-hum Toastmaster. My brain has been slowly
education programs to improve myself. Do not turning into stone or concrete, allowing the blood
think that I believe for one single moment that I flow to cease its coursing through my veins, and
had “arrived” and was so perfect and wonderful I am rapidly becoming dull and lifeless. I am
in my speechcraft, or evaluations or leadership functioning yes, but barely.
that there was nothing that any could teach me. Take leadership as another example for
No, that really is not the issue. There are my theorem. In the last two years I have gone
plenty of tools and methods I could still learn to from being involved at the District, Division,