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My Most Unforgettable Character

                            Online | September 14, 2022 | 7:15-9:00 PM PDT

                           Feedbackers Toastmasters


      Our September session will shine the spotlight on characters that left an everlasting

      impression upon our lives. Maybe they were our heroes, or everyday people going about
      their lives or even our favorite comic character.

      Three Toastmasters are invited to each deliver a speech about the most unforgettable
      character in their life. Each speaker will receive four evaluations of their choice. All

      evaluators receive a general evaluation.

      You can expect to:

         • Hear about unforgettable characters from our members' lives
         • Learn to dissect specific elements of speech craft in feedback
         • Meet a group of fellow Toastmasters who are nuts about evaluations

                                                Click Here to Register

       Are you interested in becoming a Speaker at Feedbackers?  Contact VP Education,

       Leanna Lindquist, DTM for more information

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