Page 9 - voices-2022-06
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was like a Twitter argument among my relatives. because he loves it that the can of worms he
That was the catalyst for me to stop putting off opened became part of the inspiration for my
writing this speech any longer. speech. In fact, I performed my speech for the
Over the last several years, I’d become Division contest from his house, with him rooting
increasingly frustrated and disheartened with me on in the other room. He also attended the
the growing political divide in our country. The District contest, leading my virtual cheering
chaos of 2020 pushed me off the sidelines and section.
into action when I found the organization Braver
Angels. In preparing for the District contest, did you
I’ve long felt that the root of most of our discord have a special routine you followed, certain
is caused by us Americans silo-ing ourselves and lucky socks you wore, or something like that?
not getting to know anyone different than us. I’d love to tell you that I have some secret
We then start to demonize each other and dig routine or special lucky charm that gives me
further into our trenches; all the while pointing superpowers or at least confidence. None of that.
the finger at the “enemy” and believing our way My answer to this question is pretty boring. . . All I
is the only and “right” way. did. . . was practice. Practice—practice—practice!.
Braver Angels work is rooted in bringing I’d give the speech to myself in the mirror.
liberals and conservatives together to better I’d record myself on Zoom and watch to see
understand each other. They do that in a variety what I could improve. Before I had the speech
of ways, from one-to-one conversations, to memorized, I recorded an audio version that I
debates, to workshops, and to social gatherings. would listen to while walking my dogs or driving.
A funny thing happens when we talk to each The other thing I did was perform the speech
other: We realize that, despite what we may have multiple times in my home Club and for other
been led to believe by social or traditional media, Clubs. I visited at least half a dozen Clubs in the
we have more in common than not. District who allowed me to guest speak and give
It’s incredibly rewarding work and those who me invaluable feedback. I’d take that feedback
attend our events leave expressing hope for the and practice some more.
future and even make new friends with someone Like most things in life, there is no magic pill
on the other side of the aisle. or lucky charm. . . sometimes it just takes old
Maybe the best part—the instigator in my fashioned hard work.
family email spat was my brother. I can say that
VOICES! | JUNE 2022 9