Page 12 - voices-2022-06
P. 12


      How do you evaluate a speech? Do you have  evaluations. The second time I competed, I made
      a method or process you follow?                         it the District again and then was disqualified for
          Learning to give good evaluations in                going over time. Ughh, I had focused so much

      Toastmasters has been the most helpful outside          on the content of giving evaluations and not so
      of the Club. As an employer, being able to give         much on making sure I stayed in time. Well, the
      my employees good, positive feedback that they          third time was the charm after a year of focusing
      can take in and use has been invaluable. I was          on both content and time. It felt really amazing

      given some advice about providing evaluations           to accomplish a goal that I had been working
      and feedback early on in my Toastmasters                towards for over two years. My next goal is to
      membership that really stuck with me. It has            focus on the International Speech contest.
      stuck with me so much that I have it tattooed on
      my arm.  It’s the saying: "Is it true? Is it helpful?  Back to the biographical info—married? Kids?

      Is it kind?" If you can’t answer Yes to all three of  What do you do outside of Toastmasters that
      those phrases then whatever you are going to  makes you feel complete?
      say is your own agenda and not actually about               I’m a proud cat dad to three cats. They keep me

      helping the other person.                               on my toes, give me warmth, love and affection.
          I treat every evaluation as a way to not only       Of course that is all on their terms.  I love board
      help someone improve but encourage them                 games and host monthly game nights.  I am also
      to keep going. It’s why I don’t believe in brutal       on the hunt for new fun games.

      honesty for feedback. It might really get your
      point across but it can also stop people in their  Would you please share a final thought with
      tracks about moving forward. Also a little humor  our audience?
      can go a long way.                                          If you are feeling complacent giving speeches

                                                              and evaluations in Club meetings, then I
      This was not your first competition. What  recommend trying either the speech or evaluation
      prompts you to compete?                                 contest. It helped me keep Toastmasters fresh and
          After competing in my first evaluation contest      pushing my comfort zone. Set some goals, find

      two years ago and making it to District where           a mentor, you can do it.
      I didn’t place in the top three, it became a goal
      of mine to win the competition. Setting goals
      really helped spur my desire to get good at

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