Page 29 - Voices-2021-12
P. 29
of Evaluation
of their lifetimes. waiting. One assumes it is for the poor father
Perhaps I need not tell you that there are who is working hard, but just does not have the
movies with the same plot, but the names have time to be mom and dad. Sniff, sniff. I can sense
been changed to protect the innocent! Here we tissues will be needed within ten minutes or so.
go. Oh goodie—another variant upon the same Ah, yes. Dad shows up, kids are as grumpy as
theme. The guide tells me she has returned to he is, and we are off to their undecorated house
her hometown and will re-connect with an old for Christmas, of course for further doom and
flame who has recently lost his wife, leaving him gloom.
with two children-all having lost “the Christmas There it is! Dad is at work, and his boss (I
spirit.” think he works for Scrooge and Marley) has
It begins with a flourish of Christmas songs just informed him that he had better complete
as we see our starlet driving from the city to the the project by Christmas or he will be looking
country to smalltown America—which I believe for a new job. Oh, the pathos! The sorrow! And,
is in Canada (a-la “Good Witch”) as we cut to the the not so brightly sounding music playing in
outside of a school with two waif-like children the background! And then “it” happens—one