Page 28 - Voices-2021-12
P. 28


      The                                                               of Evaluation

      Paul Fanning, DTM

      Can you believe that we are already in                 am a Toastmaster! I am a trained evaluator, and

      mid-December and the year is almost over?              why could I not have a little fun at the romcom
      They tell me the older one gets, the faster time       genre’s expense and do an evaluation on the
      flies. This year seems to have flown by me, and        movie like I was taught in Toastmasters? Thus,
      if I did not have bills to pay monthly, I would        after missing so many club meetings due to work,

      be oblivious to the calendar and what month            I could once again hone my skills as an evaluator.
      this possibly should be. I wonder, what have I         I jumped up—popcorn kernels flying from my
      accomplished in 2021?                                  shirt—and I gathered the tools of my trade before
          I am sure that I will take the time in January     the next movie started. With generic evaluation

      to muse over my accomplishments, set new goals,        form, pen, and note paper in hand, I re-settled
      and/or celebrate. Or, keeping up with my new           on the couch, and prepared to give the movie a
      trend, not doing anything but reacting to what         true and proper Toastmaster evaluation.
      is going on around me.                                     Now you do realize that there are hundreds

          A couple of weeks ago on one of my nights          of movies already filmed, with about 30-35 new
      off, I decided to do nothing but resemble a couch      Christmas ones produced each year. They do,
      potato. I settled in, had my beverage and popcorn      or in my quick review, fall into three categories.
      at my fingertips. Surfing the channels, I could           •  Single person meets their soulmate, and

      find nothing in my favorite genre of action or                it takes them one hour-thirty minutes to
      historical movies. Rejecting the numerous reality             discover this.
      shows, I discovered that there were six channels          •  A common working class young woman
      with Hallmark movies playing. I discerned that                meets her idea of a perfect husband, only

      they were safe to watch, as they are rated G,                 to discover he is a royal prince in disguise
      and clicked onto the first one. Mario Lopez in                and hiding from his family.
      New Mexico. Click. Colin Ferguson (the Maytag             •  The star must discover what means the
      man). Eventually I settled on a typical Hallmark              most to her in her life and discovers

      romcom of sisters switching identities, families,             romance as an outcome. Usually her
      jobs, boyfriends, and watched it all come apart               mother/father have passed on, and they
      until the last fifteen minutes when the miracle               bare the task to close the shop, sell the
      happened to right it all. Then it dawned on me. I             house and/or dispose of the accumulation

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