Page 37 - Voices-2021-10
P. 37

have gone much better had I focused
      on what the actual process was for the
      assignment. Thankfully, I learned from

      that mistake, went back and learned what I
      needed to know, and we proceeded onward
      throughout the rest of the project.
          The bottom line is I don’t take shortcuts

      anymore. At least I say that now. I recognize
      the inclination is there to do just that. It’s hard
      to curb when you want to finish a project that
      much quicker.

          To be fair, some shortcuts can be beneficial. I
      love using shortcut keys on my keyboard so I’m
      not always reliant on my mouse. I’ll cut through
      Lloyd Center on a rainy day to get to the light rail

      so I don’t get soaked. And of course I’ll microwave
      food rather than cook something because. . .
      well, I’m not a great cook. Let’s leave it at that.
      But if I want to create career opportunities for

      myself, I’m much more willing to go through the
      process of learning my trade. If I want to get in
      shape, I work out five days a week rather than
      rely on a fad diet. In other words: No shortcuts,

      please! I’d rather take the long way around,
      make mistakes, and learn from them rather
      than take the easy way just because it seems like
      a better option. It’s much better  than

      finding out the hard way that the
      shortcut in question can lead to
      disastrous results later on.

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2021         37
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