Page 34 - Voices-2021-10
P. 34


      boost your program and meeting up a notch and  take a break for the holidays, perhaps this is the
      have fun doing it too.                                 year that you shine and excel with a thematic

          We have all heard of Zoom fatigue and the  meeting or two!
      current trend of lessening the number of online            Hence, dear readers, I await the day when we
      meetings. Remember when we first started  can be pirates. We cannot walk the plank online
      Zooming Toastmasters? We were online night  or use our cutlasses with a flourish and a clash of

      and day—two or three meetings at a time in  metal but my eyepatches and my favorite Argyle
      addition to work-related meetings.                     socks are close at hand for my day of glory rich
          Now that Zoom meetings are considered “old  with the treasure of fun and fellowship.
      hat,” we need to liven things up a bit. Thus, fellow       Come to think about it, you still have time

      Toastmasters, I challenge you and your club to  to create your own SPOOKTACULAR meeting
      consider hosting a quarterly thematic meeting.  this month. It may not take a ghost of a chance
      Break out of the box—color outside the lines. We  to put on a thematic meeting, but it would be to
      have the perfect prospect of two to three thematic  die for! Have a heart (or organ of your choice)

      meetings in the next two months. We have  fellow Toastmasters.
      Veterans Day in early November, Thanksgiving               Oh, my. The clock just struck midnight. Got
      in late November, and several festive celebrations  to fly!
      in the month of December. While many clubs

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