Page 9 - voices-2021-08
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was used for the silk program and
                                                                         not used to hire another person.

                                                                         They’re successfully run because
                                                                         of many volunteers.

                                                                         Ted: She has been a greeter and a

                                                                         docent. She volunteers as part of
                                                                         the marketing team. For several
                                                                         years we have done the Under the
                                                                         Moonlight fundraising event.

                                                                         Raynette: We volunteer at the
                                                                         Japanese American Museum
      organization. Ted thought it would be a good  of Oregon. We’re on the board and I also

      time to get out. But it was such a high that  volunteer every Saturday from 11:00 to 2:00.
      it was hard to leave. I was stubborn, and I  I greet people, help with tours, and help
      said, one more year. The one more year  with little projects in the office. The paid
      was COVID 2020. June 30, 2021, we were  staff can do the work they need to do and

      done. It’s perfect timing because my job has  give me the things that take time away from
      gotten so big.                                         membership, promotions, and marketing. I
         I have volunteered at the Lan Su Chinese  can do what is needed so they aren’t paying
      Garden since 2002. 100 hours a year is my  for another person. Money is tight.

      personal goal. What I love most is how the                 I volunteer with FEI, Financial Executive
      organization cares for their volunteers.  International, Parkinson’s, and the Sunshine
      They value them and listen to them. They  Division. I donate my time as a volunteer
      have recognition dinners that are about the  Paparazzi. I take pictures for their events

      volunteers. They stand out above the rest  to save them hundreds of dollars.
      in their volunteer appreciation. We didn’t                 We volunteer at church. We help with
      want to donate money to pay for somebody’s  coffee hour. I alternate leading the evening
      salary. We wanted to be sure that when we  prayer service Thursday nights. When we

      donate money, and become members, that  go to church in person I help with the lay
      we are paying for the garden, the plants, the  Eucharistic ministry, which means I help
      fish, the architecture, the programs for kids,  the priest with communion.
      and the immersion programs. That’s what

      our goal was. I got involved with the Chinese  Leanna: Raynette, do you ever sleep?
      Garden because Nordstrom donated money  Raynette: I don’t sleep much, but Ted makes
      to their silk program. I said I would follow  up for it. He’s my sleeping assistant. LOL
      that money to be sure that their donation

                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2021          9
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