Page 14 - voices-2021-08
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Up Your Club Game with M.O.T.
Lorri Andersen, DTM - Program Quality Director
You are never too old to set another goal, or to dream life saver to a new member and keep them in
a new dream. – (CS Lewis) Toastmasters.
People like to join a fun club. Members learn
You are never too old to learn something new, or too when meetings are enjoyable. If you know Cleon
young to learn too much. – (Suzy Kassem) Cox, then you have heard him say, “Have fun.
Meet people. Learn something new.” Program
I love these quotes because they exemplify planning and meeting organization play a big
who we are as Toastmasters: lifelong learners. role. Work to have meetings that begin and
What does being a lifelong learner have to do end on time, creative table topics, evaluations
with Program Quality? Everything! On August that are helpful and kind, and all projects from
4th, we had our second Learning Lab Moments Pathways. Have regular membership building
of Truth. It was great. Questions answered were: programs and recognize and publicize member’s
What is Moments of Truth? Why is it important? achievements.
Toastmasters reminds us that a moment How does all this fit into program quality?
of truth is any time a person comes in contact This is program quality at its finest. Each club
with any aspect of the Toastmasters experience is a representation of the bigger picture of
and forms an impression of a club’s quality and Toastmasters—we can become the first-choice
service. provider of communication and leadership
The first aspect of the Moments of Truth is skills development.
the first impression of your club. Do you feel Has your club completed a Toastmasters
comfortable in the meeting? Are you greeted Moments of Truth? I encourage you to do one
warmly? Are emails and contact information this year. You will learn so much about your club
exchanged? Are guests invited to address the and yourself, how you can change and grow. I
club? Better yet, are they invited to join? If guests recommend that you spread the Moments of
are asked to join, there is a greater chance they Truth out over several weeks, the last being a
will say yes! I think first impressions are one summary. Often it is good to have a neutral party,
of the most important aspects of Moments of such as your Area Director, present it for you.
Truth. We never get a second chance to make a Choose projects that you can benefit from right
first impression. away. Then move to the areas that take longer.
Membership Orientation involves diving Take your time and stay open to change.
deeper. Is the education program discussed and Remember, we are lifelong learners, enjoy
shared? Are learning needs assessed and mentors the journey!
assigned to new members? Mentors can be a