Page 17 - voices-2021-07
P. 17

Most members choose to give a non-religious            I suggest that you take a look at your own club
      inspirational thought of the week, but many  from the perspective of a new guest.  Is it easy for
      members give a religious invocation.  We have  a guest to visit?  Does the guest feel welcomed and
      had the meeting open with Christian, Jewish,  drawn into the meeting?  Does the guest enjoy

      Muslim, Budhist, Hindu and Wiccan invocations.  the experience and feel a desire to return?  One
      Our approach is to let people express their own  great way to help review the guest experience
      religion while recognizing that others in the club  is to conduct the “Moments of Truth” module
      do not share the same religion.                        from Toastmasters International (https://www.

          I wish I could have gone back to that guest who
      left our meeting and corrected the experience              I encourage you to review the guest
      for her, but unfortunately the first impression  experience in your club and make sure that all
      was not what she wanted.  In Toastmasters we  guests feel welcome to return.

      need to ensure that everyone feels welcomed
      and accepted.  We need to ensure that when a
      guest comes to the meeting, they experience
      an environment that encourages them to open

      up and become part of the group and not make
      them feel like they do not belong.
          In preparing to fill the role of Club Growth
      Director I have visited at least 75 Toastmaster

      clubs.  In most cases I have a great first impression
      as a guest.  I feel welcomed, I am invited to
      introduce myself or participate in other ways, I
      am invited to return.  I have learned a lot about

      the commonalities and differences between
      clubs.  Each club has something that makes it
      unique.  I enjoy the fact that every club I visit is
      fun to participate in.

                                                                                      VOICES! | JULY 2021       17
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