Page 41 - June-2021-Voices
P. 41
Frank Paulding & First Canadian
Toastmasters Club #38 (Part Eight)
Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian
Gyro Club Frank Paulding Speech: During a and the peroration.”
lunch meeting of the Victoria Gyro Club on April “In writing a speech, it was well to put down
21, 1936, Frank Paulding delivered the following the conclusion first: With the main point well
speech about public speaking that was published in view, there was less tendency to go off onto
in the Times Colonist April 21, 1936. bypaths.”
“Speakers are made and not born,” Frank “In delivering a speech there was a danger of
Paulding told members of the Gyro Club during losing touch with the audience.
their luncheon. Frank gave the cardinal rules of “The study of your audience can be an
speech making and speech building and added interesting and fascinating study,” said Paulding.
some remarks on the purpose of public speaking “The social business and cultural values of
in general. public speaking were immeasurable.
“Public speaking gives a new interest in Culturally, by helping a man to unify his ideas
life, brings growth, develops power, and gives a and by giving him confidence and poise, public
sense of achievement. There is nothing, no other speaking could stimulate all the facilities.”
accomplishment, that will so quickly secure a Toastmasters Magazine, June 1936 article:
career and recognition as the ability to speak Victoria Toastmasters Club’s first president,
effectively. The three essentials of good public James H. Hill, submitted an article on Diction
speaking,” he said, “were preparation, practice in the June 1936 issue of Toastmasters Magazine
and criticism. No man was born with any special where he wrote. “And now in conclusion: We
aptitude for speaking. Public speaking was an should not regard words merely as conventional
art, and like other arts it required long practice, groupings of inanimate letters of the alphabet.
training, and a full knowledge of technique. A The spoken word is a vital force. Words are
plan was an essential to building a house. In living messengers. They speak for us. We should
practice, it often happened that the greater a determine to send out to represent, to speak for
man’s knowledge of his subject, the greater was us. We should then determine to send out, upon
his confusion in expression, unless he knew how not only special isolated occasions but-which
to box and crate that idea.” is the great desideratum-upon all occasions,
ambassadors of whom we may be proud; set
Three Elements ourselves a high standard and boldly resolve that
“Every speech has three elements, which only the best shall be good enough for our use.”
must be kept distinct: the introduction, the body
VOICES! | JUNE 2021 41