Page 14 - June-2021-Voices
P. 14
Schellenberg as Conference Chair, Kathleen Manager, Jamie Gould as Finance Manager,
Tully as Contest Chair, and Tamsen Corbin as and Neal Iversen as PR Manager. I can’t forget
Chief Judge. They coordinated literally dozens Dave Shehorn as Parliamentarian, Kathleen
of other volunteers who worked behind the Tully as Realignment Committee Chair, Brian
scenes for all of the events this year. Richardson as Audit Committee Chair, Chris
CGD Lorri Andersen was responsible for Angelopoulos as Webmaster, and thanks to
all things related to Club and membership Brenda Parsons for helping Chris transition into
growth, which was not a trivial task during a that role.
pandemic. Members of her team included Ken Finally, a huge virtual hug to Immediate Past
Coomes as Club Extension Chair, with Rodger District Director, Emilie Taylor, who has been a
Cook providing back up, Cleon Cox as Club fabulous friend and mentor this year, who will
Sponsor Coordinator, Paul Fanning as Club remind you that it really does take a village.
Coach Coordinator, plus Donna Stark, John It has been my pleasure to serve as your
Rodke and Paul Matulek on the Marketing District Director for the 2020-2021 program year.
Committee. I just finished a Zoom call with I said earlier that I had it pretty easy because we
our Region Advisor and my fellow District were in lockdown for the entire year. I don’t think
Directors in Region 1. It appears that we will we will ever go back to a “pre-Covid normal”.
charter more new Clubs this year than any of My successor is going to have a lot of challenges
the other Districts in the Region. Thank you putting the pieces back together as we make the
and congratulations to everyone who helped transition to in-person meetings, plus online
make that happen. and hybrid meetings. It will never be the same
My list keeps growing as I almost hear as before. However, I will reflect on the lessons
the Academy Orchestra reminding me to I have learned, and share those with him as a
leave the stage. . . Other key members of the mentor and the IPDD. I’m looking forward to a
District Staff include Phyllis Harmon as Admin great year of opportunities and regrowth.
he most dangerous leadership myth is that
Tleaders are born-that there is a genetic factor
to leadership. That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite
is true. Leaders are made rather than born.
—Warren Bennis