Page 13 - June-2021-Voices
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world. It will be interesting to see how all this Distinguished Club Program. That means they
shakes out as Clubs shift to a hybrid or blended have achieved at least five out of ten goals and
model after in-person meetings resume. met the membership requirements. I expect to
Naysayers believed it would be impossible see more Clubs on the list by the end of June.
to start new clubs online—they were wrong! As We accomplished all of the above with a
of this writing, we have officially chartered six lot of effort and teamwork. There are so many
new Clubs, paperwork has been submitted for people to thank for their contributions this year.
three more, and others are racing toward the I hesitate to name names, because I know I will
finish line. overlook a lot of people. However, there are a few
Individual members have also been busy. of you that I simply must acknowledge, starting
Our members have completed a total of 1,098 with my fellow Trio members.
educational awards so far this year. 130 members PQD Eldred Brown was responsible for all
have completed at least three educational awards things related to our educational program,
to earn themselves a Triple Crown Pin. There including speech contests, Club officer training
is always a year-end rush, so I know there are (TLI), and the annual District Conference. We
more coming. can all learn a few things about delegation from
When individual members achieve Eldred. He had excellent committee chairs who
educational goals, it rolls up to Clubs achieving made it happen: Leanna Lindquist as Education
goals. Thirty-four of our Clubs have already Coordinator, Dr. Gwendolyn Avington as
earned Distinguished or higher status in the Pathways Proponents Committee Chair, Lyle
VOICES! | JUNE 2021 13