Page 49 - April 2021 Voices
P. 49


      he accompany him to the store to take possession        before taking what he thought was his prize,
      of its contents, building and trade.                    yet there was a crate of these worthless boxes
         Silently Dawud acceded to the request,               in the back storeroom. Al-Hadi had been killed

      mulling over his actions and the knowledge that         for nothing.
      his mentor and guide and his friend who he now             And then the hulk of the man reached over,
      knew would he not see either alive again.               embraced Dawud and told him that now, he,
         He entered the dark store, and gasped when           Dawud bin-Suleiman, Beloved Friend, Son of

      he saw the floor near the panel with blood stains,      Solomon, was El-Hadi, the guide, and his new
      the panel still open. He walked around behind           life was to begin as the guardian of the relic,
      the counter and said a heartfelt prayer for             teacher and proclaimer of the true treasure
      Al-Hadi. Grieving within, he glanced around and         that was within each human being. It was the

      saw in the corner a shard of clay, and he stooped       teaching of the Kingdom of the Sun, from the
      to pick it up. It was the treasure! It was the relic    greatest teacher and king in all history, Solomon
      of Great Wealth! He looked at the enforcer who          himself.
          knowingly answered his inquisitive eyes with           Thus concludes the tale, dear friends. What

                 the response. The box was in Tames           truly is the treasure within your heart? How can
                           hands, but empty. He had           we as Toastmasters, following the principles of
                                    thrown the ugly clay      our craft of speaking, evaluating, and leadership
                                           piece on the       teach and model to others? Will we succumb to

                                                   floor      an eternal lust for power, for fame, for fortune
                                                              like Tame, or will we too, be a Dawud and
                                                              seek the higher road of unity, of tranquility
                                                              and imparting wisdom to those we meet and

                                                              progress within the Toastmasters program?
                                                              Yes, it may be a legend, a mere tale of fantasy,
                                                              or is it a reality? Only you can choose-and you
                                                              my friends, thus you, will now become the tale

                                                              bearers. You have been chosen. The choice is
                                                              up to you.

                                                                                     VOICES! | APRIL 2021       49
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