Page 47 - April 2021 Voices
P. 47
What the Heart Treasures
Paul Fanning, DTM
white flowing robe around him like a breeze of and more often without Tame as they began to
cool air had descended from above. He stood mature. He began calling the old man “al-hadi,”
before them and in a strong voice asked their his guide, as an awakening within him for the
names and their business in his establishment. legends and spiritual wisdom imparted began
Both boys remained motionless until Dawud in to take root.
an unsure and quivery voice related the reason One day, his now familiar and respected guide
for their presence. The owner answered with asked him to shut the doors to the emporium.
a smile, told them his name was Ibrahim and Dutifully complying, Al-Hadi then touched a
invited them to take a small glass of lemon panel on the wall, and it swung open, revealing
water with him. As the boys drank the first glass a box seemingly covered in glittering gold and
thirstily, he refilled their glasses and plied them gems. As the box was removed, Dawud was told it
with questions. After their third drink and their contained a mystical emblem of the Kingdom of
thirst quenched, he invited them to look around the Sun, powerful and a treasure without price
his wares, and to ask any questions that they that was to be guarded only by those who were
may have. He was grandfatherly in his actions, specially chosen through the centuries.
and his answers to the myriad of questions With his eyes ever growing wider with awe
posed by the young boys were soft, patient and and mystery, the lid of the box was removed,
of a wise teacher. Tame tired of the game that and the elder removed a simple piece of pottery,
was being played, but Dawud relished in the a shard like so many that littered the ground in
explanations and delighted in the stories behind the various ruins and dwellings in the area. Yet
each seemingly common object on display. Tame his eyes sparkled when he was told what it truly
eventually won out and the two left that amazing was, and he was handed the clay piece and could
mercantile of relics and objects d’art for the cool run his fingers over the characters written in an
waters of the canal. unknown script with the symbol above it all.
Dawud would continue to visit the store, more Dawud was told the meaning of his name-Dawud
VOICES! | APRIL 2021 47