Page 36 - April 2021 Voices
P. 36


      You Have to Be SEEN                                    uninitiated guests. A friendly, fun, camaraderie
         Advertise on your club’s social media and  filled meeting will attract new members. Where
      website! Using Eventbrite will reach a public  you can have participating members share the
      audience, provide email communications,  value of Toastmasters from their perspective.
      and track interest. Share the responsibility,  Capture contact information for follow up

      encourage your speakers, leadership team, fellow  messaging and invites to your next meeting.
      Toastmasters, and club members to use their  Evenbrite and other registration steps make this
      social media to publicize too. An open house  easy. If your meeting allows, leave some time
      or event is meant to include new visitors, make  beyond the event for open chatter to welcome
      it visible and don’t forget the value of personal  those interested in staying longer.

      invitations. For more great ideas of ways to               Faster than you can say ta-da, your event has
      publicize your events, visit the next PR Masters  excited your members, attracted new people, and
      meeting (see resources below).                         expanded your reach to new parts of the world!
         ,                                                       ______________________
                  Phase 3 - Implementation                       For more great ideas of ways to publicize
      Welcome to Your Event (ahem!) Open House!              your events, visit PR Masters - Facebook Group:

         Viola’, with all your planning and preparation  PR Masters (D7 Public Relations Toastmasters)
      complete, your attendees arrive! Make sure you  - meetings - 1st Thursday of the Month - 7:00
      have a zoom greeter (that was my role) to give a  - 8:30 pm
      warm and friendly welcome. During the meeting              To learn more about New Horizons #1360
      take extra care to explain the different roles and  - join our Facebook Group: The New Horizons

      why they exist as these are often unfamiliar to  Toastmasters Club of Oregon (District 7)

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