Page 28 - April 2021 Voices
P. 28
The Tulips at Dawn
Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director
This past Monday I did something I haven’t done there were going to be tulips in full bloom!
in a very long while—wake up—yes–wake up at It took 45 minutes from the driveway to the
the crack of dawn to watch the sun rise. farm. So off we went and might I add not properly
It was time to “tiptoe through the tulips.” The dressed for the occasion. I figured what I was
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in Woodburn would wearing was fine without thinking that being out
be just the ticket. I searched the internet and in the open space could make things a bit colder
found that you can buy tickets for 5am to watch than normal. My behind was the thermometer
the sun rise. The tickets were $25 each prepaid. registering frost stuck to it when sitting at a picnic
For my husband, 4:30 in the morning table on site. My hands were frozen but it was all
brought memories of his Oregonian paper route, worth it because of the emotions it evoked and
delivering newspapers before dawn on a rusty the beautiful sunrise pictures for a memento.
old bike when a youngster. His recollections were Being out in the Tulip fields surrounded by
darkness, rain, cold, and the occasional run in beautiful and varied colors made me forget for
with skunks and dogs before there were leash just a tiny bit about the pandemic. As the sun
laws. Skunks still do not abide by leash laws! I, began to wake, the fields were black and colorless,
on the other hand, would take the Japanese angle then slowly hues of blue and deep red, changing
of celebrating a new sun rise! We observed this to red, then rows magically began to turn to
at the Grand Canyon where Japanese tourists purples, reds and yellows. It made me appreciate
were at the edge of the canyon at 5am. As the how beautiful our world is, that we just have to
sun broke through the horizon, they all chanted find it and fill our hearts with the feelings of
a prayer of praise! beauty. We can take these memories and relive
I do not know why I have never gone before. them in our minds and hearts and bring healing
The only reason why this time was different and joy into our lives. It brought gratitude to
was because my husband Steven pointed out focus just as the sunrise brought color, clarity
that the news just mentioned the Tulip festival and vividness to our eyes, one cannot help but be
in Woodburn was happening. We checked our thankful to be alive. Oftentimes we go about our
tulips and if they were on the same time clock, days in a daze, just going through motions and