Page 18 - February 2021 Voices
P. 18



      Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

       There is nothing like having the Covid-19 cake            What do you do when there is neither access
       around with a little bit of “icing” on top to give     to television nor internet? What do you do when
       us a little “time out”.                                you are so used to having a fridge that works,
          I live in Clackamas County, one of the hardest      light from flipping a switch, warm soup using

       hit counties in Oregon dealing with the recent         the microwave for a minute or two? Everything
       ice storm. First was the layer of snow, then came      you need (well almost everything) was at your
       the rain, then came the flashes of lights and          fingertips—until an east wind with below
       exploding transformers. Our neighborhood               freezing temperatures met with a west wind of

       was plunged into darkness. It is still is without      warm wet air. A shift of a degree or two became
       any lights from street lamps and homes are in          snow or freezing rain, then our “time out.”
       the dark. Trees were down blocking streets in             My take away. . .
       the neighborhood. Powerlines and telephone                1.  It is very important to have working

       cables littered the streets. And, a few beloved               flashlights. A flashlight became my
       maples trees and their branches buckled down                  best friend for 5 days. . . aside from my
       from the weight of ice. Our bamboo had arched                 husband. Yes, everywhere I went I had a
       completely to the ground offering sanctuary for               flashlight in my pocket. You learn pretty

       any little animals.                                           quickly which flashlights are the best. With
          It felt as if everything quieted down. I can’t             so much “darkness” around, it is good to
       even remember seeing birds and our house is                   know that we are never truly in the dark.
       surrounded by trees. Of course, the trees had             2.  Not knowing what was happening was

       thick layers of ice on them. My husband did not               oddly refreshing. The noise was quieted
       recall seeing any birds encased in ice while he               down, not just from no traffic, and no
       was clearing all of the fallen debris.                        planes in the air. There was a time out
          Luckily for us, we have a gas stove in the                 for genuine quiet! There was no need to

       basement though there was no power to blow                    know what was going on in Washington,
       hot air around. At least we had radiant heat to               DC for the time being. There was no need
       take the chill off. We could warm up the kettle               to watch the daily ritual of evening news.
       or a pot of soup albeit it took 2 to 3 hours for it           Knowing when power would be restored

       to be ready. We were also luckier than most as                took precedence over everything else!
       we have a gas water heater. Taking a hot shower           3.  Our cell phones were a lifeline! Indeed
       while the house was 50 degrees felt like camping              they were. You never really think about
       on the Oregon Coast.                                          it until they are your only way to connect

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